2015 - Holiday Message

From Our House to Yours

This holiday message isn't going to be late 
The last time I did this was two thousand and eight 
I started another for two thousand nine 
 But from the looks of it I ran out of time 

 So here we are in two thousand fifteen 

I won't bore you with a recap of what's in between 
Suffice it to say that we're all doing fine 
In fact we've been having a hell of a time 

 We're not so young anymore you know 

And my hip keeps threatening my yoga flow 
I wouldn't mind having the surgery 
It's scheduling it in that's the problem you see 

 So let us wish you at the end of this year 

Our friends and family that we hold so dear 
A holiday season that treats you just right 
And may your future days be healthy and bright

Barb & Larry