From Our House to Yours
I thought I would write a greeting in rhyme
Just like I do all of the time
A quick recap of twenty twenty one
A winter we didn’t spend in the sun
We went to Syracuse for our Covid shots
And spent time outside walking lots
Finally some trips once everyone was protected
It was nice to hug family and be reconnected
I went to Waltham and then OG
Also we went into New York City
The Ironman in Lake Placid was lots of fun
More so for me than those who had to run
Three weeks in Hilton Head made us think
That life was starting to be in the pink
Then Omicron came to let us all know
That it wasn’t the end of the Covid show
Now the end of the year is almost here
And I just want to say loud and clear
Be healthy, be happy, wear that ugly sweater
Maybe next year will eventually turn out better
Happy Holidays
Barb & Larry
December 22, 2021