2022 Holiday Message


From Our House to Yours

The year in rhyme I’m doing again
When will this writing ever end

But it’s like a memoir of the year

If you don’t care about it just skip to here

Six weeks in Florida via Auto Train

A week at home and we left town again

Hawaiian cruise was lots of fun

Covid greeted us when we were done

Time at home during the summer

Pickleball, concerts, never a bummer

River cruise, Paris to Prague

A little rain but never fog

A visit to Chatham is always a treat

Beautiful weather and lots to eat

Williamsburg and Hilton Head ended our run

Our travels for the year were just about done

Girls trip to Chicago for Laura, Greta and me

Grandson there in college we went to see

And it would be remiss of me if I didn’t roar

Great grandchild count is now at four

This is the latest I’ve written this rhyme

And since I am quickly running out of time

Let me steal the ending of 2008

Which is also appropriate for this date

"May your health be outstanding and your family’s too

May you share time together the entire year through

May your joys be many and your sorrows few

These are the wishes we send to you

And one more thing that would make us whoop

Is if our portfolios would quickly recoup"

Happy Holidays

Barb & Larry

December 24, 2022